February 2024 A Time to Move On

February 2024

A Time to Move On


I don’t know about you, but this is the worst January that I remember. If was a struggle to care for four horses and three cats in relentless subfreezing weather. My internet was out for three weeks! I had taken a procrastination class from Dr. Tim Pychyl the end of 2023. If was very painful to sit alone in my barndominium on freezing, gray, dreary days and come to terms with my own shortcomings.

What did you have to face during this difficult time?

This period of contemplation helped me prepare to give a talk on procrastination for the Buffalo Missouri Women’s Chamber of Commerce group. I am very excited to share all of the things that I have learned. In April, I will teach a class called “Quit Procrastinating and Start Setting Priorities.” To practice what I am preaching, I felt compelled to finish my taxes, make doctor’s appointments and call my CPA; all things most of us dread.

What are you dreading?

What has helped me the most is to realize that I won’t feel more like doing any of these things tomorrow or later. You should feel proud when you do these important things and reward yourself accordingly. Recently, I went to an Estate Planning Lunch & Learn. This is a big area of procrastination for most people. Show consideration for your loved ones by doing your estate planning which could include long-term care insurance, life insurance, and a pre-paid funeral plan. You can’t plan enough in this area. Be ready to die tomorrow and see the rest of your life as a bonus.

What would it be like for your family if you died tomorrow?

As you might have guessed, my middle name isn’t exactly “Sunshine.” It’s always been hard for me to relax and enjoy myself when there is work to do. I want February to be a very productive month for myself, my clients and my friends. We need to clear the way for a wonderful Spring. Get your paperwork done now so you can enjoy warm days, flowers and the wonders of Passover and Easter. Keira Mitchell and I are going to give a “Spring Cleaning” class in March to get you ready to celebrate Easter.

What Spring cleaning do you need to do?

To get through Winter, it’s important to imagine all the things you’ll be doing this Spring. It’s uplifting to look at garden catalogs and pictures of flowers. I plan on starting to decorate my stable and vacation rental on March 1st. It’s also good to reminisce about happy Passovers and Easters that you had in the past. The year my late husband made his First Communion, I cooked a leg of lamb on Saturday and had a celebration brunch for him on Sunday. When I was a child, my family always had memorable Easters with colored eggs, cakes in the shape of lambs, and chicken and dumplings. Treasure our own memories and use some of their elements to create new memories for yourself and your family.

Imagine your perfect Easter.

Use your memories and plans for this Spring to motivate you to accomplish the many difficult things that you need to do in February. Plan rewards whenever you complete a difficult task. If you need inspiration, visit my vacation rental in Buffalo, Missouri. I might surprise you with a pot of pansies and some chocolate eggs!





