
The holidays are like a double edged sword.  December can be our best or worst month.  As a business and life coach, I have the dual function of helping people prepare for the best possible outcome and also, how to face challenges.  With all the pressure of the media, most of us are on overload during the holidays.  While we certainly can’t control everything, there are3 a few steps that we can take to back in charge and regain some sanity and clarity during the holidays.

The first thing to do is to ask yourself what the Christmas season really means to you.  Then ask yourself according to your beliefs and values, how you really want to be spending your time.  Our minds and social schedules can become much cluttered this time of the year.  There are many competing demands and it’s best to set your own priorities.  In the past, I would try to “do it all” and only succeed in being very tired and irritable.

Secondly, don’t be afraid to say no.  Rehearse a way to turn down invitations.  Say in words that work for you something like “Thanks you so much for inviting me but it won’t be possible for me to come”. If pressured, just keep repeating that you are sorry but will be unable to come.  In some situations you may want to shorten the duration of your visit.  When you are in a social situation take control by saying or doing something positive.  Try to initiate uplifting conversations before someone else starts a negative subject.

As a coach and psychologist, I am painfully aware that the holidays are not always a joyous time, especially if there has been a loss or setback.  Be mindful and tactful regarding topics of conversation.  Besides avoiding politics and religious differences, it is best not to discuss money, unemployment, weight gain, dieting, or dating.  Don’t hesitate to interrupt and change the subject or excuse yourself if you are uncomfortable.  Get clever about avoiding that difficult relative or toxic acquaintance.  It might even be time to start some new traditions that are more peaceful and inspiring such as a staying at home or going away.

If you are a business professional or own a small business, there are even more challenges.  Depending on your industry, you may be working even more hours.  Don’t berate yourself for missing events and parties.  I had a dear, deceased, friend, Shirley Allen who owned a retail store.  She made up for her lack of participation at Christmas by making other holidays and vacations very special for friends and family.  To foster good will and a happy work culture, you may consider letting employees off with pay for a morning or afternoon to do shopping and errands.

Take advantage of the season to boost customer appreciation and retention.  This can be as simple as serving cookies or giving a discount.  Depending on your profession, you could send a card or a promotional gift item.  In view of you hectic this year has been it might be advisable to have an open house at another time of the year.  Spare yourself and everyone else the stress of having a company Christmas party and simply have a catered luncheon for employees only.

Take some things off of your plate so you can actually enjoy a religious and family holiday.  I’m free to concentrate on the special people in my life because I have Cannon Cleaning Company ( 417-241-8068) clean my house and business on a regular basis.  You should call them as a gift to yourself or as a gift to a loved one.  Everyone loves decorations, but if you’re running short on time, a few wreaths, garlands and poinsettias go a long way.  Another tip is to get some nice, already prepared side dishes.  Put them in your won casseroles and no one will know the difference.  Don’t let yourself get swallowed up by details and demands.  Remember that the whole point of Christmas is to deepen our relationship with God, our family, friends and our community.

If you want a private family retreat as a new tradition or to recover from the holidays book my airbnb in restful, rural, America. Click the link below to view.
